Ask and you shall recieve! (Flip Top Gas cap Adapter)

Hey guys! Happy New Year!!!!
Wow am I glad last year is over! I cant complain over all.... But the last few weeks were brutal. So much terrible news surrounding my family, all I could do was remind myself how fortunate I was that my family was safe and healthy. Not typically one to be phased by a few "life events", I have to admit the week prior to Christmas certainly slowed me down.

It is because of this that I owe those of you that have contacted me, and my 2 most recent Canadian customers an apology. This is the first time in weeks I have been on FABO. Certainly not the norm for me when I have PMs...

For that I apologize to those I have neglected. Please forgive my late responses and tardiness regarding shipping out to Canada.

I am now back to work and on a schedule again. I do have several PMs to respond to and hope to do so by the end of the day. Please bare with me here and Ill make sure all is handled appropriately. :)

PS: all adapters have been shipped that have been paid for! :)

Thanks again FABO!!!