Just a ride along in my 170/6

Thank you Rani, I was raised on these tree shifters and Victoria is very smooth and makes it easy for me, My tail shaft is not made for a floor shifter
and like you said it is a dieing breed of a shifter, some times that is the first thing folks say (Wow it's got 3 on the tree) or dads or I have to explain why the shifter is there and it's not an automatic
Thank you, she is an extension of my own body (Victoria)= my 66 Sedan

you must have a top loader "745" three speed. if you ever want to go floor shift ....which i would say not to but your choice ....i have a few of the later "230" 3 speed model that has the floor shift tailshaft, plus the 230 is a bit tougher, its a side loader mini 833. just options to keep in mind.....even though Victoria is just great as-is.

a car you truely drive is an extension of your limbs ......thats if you truely driving the car and listening to it.......ever since i changed Natasha over i have been bonding more with her. :toothy8: we still have a lot of work to be done