Quitting smoking.

Well I am coming up on a Year Feb. 18th of Being SMOKE Free!!!! & Like many of you who have tryed to quit & failed I was 1 of you. I have gone 14 months smoke free, then started again. But for the first time I finally feel like a NON-Smoker, not a smoker that has quit & is missing out on smoking. & It is all due to a simple book. Sounds crazy, but if you are Ready & Want to quit, then read This Book with an OPEN mind & You WILL Suceed!

Congrats Jack you'll do fine the secret is to keep your mind/hands busy so you don't think about smoking [thats how i do it] it will get easier as time passes but the cravings have not gone away for me yet [1 year in november] they may in time but sometimes they are stronger than others, my worst cravings are at car cruise ins when i'm sitting idle i have to get up and walk around till it passes,but i can hang out with smokers at work after lunch and don't bother me at all. Hang in there you doing great!!!

Kudo,s to you Jack!Keep it up! I,ll be quitting overnight tonight the same way I quit for 9 months about 8 yrs ago.:banghead:Before I go to bed tonight I will chain smoke so that I,m disgusted with the smell,before bed I,ll put a 14mg patch on my arm.(This is how I quit last time)This way when I wake up I have no craving for nicotine,other than the habit of sticking one in my face.Having a coffee will be a struggle,but in my mind I want to quit so bad again.I,ll be turning 50 this summer and want to be around for my daughter til she,s atleast married,maybe even grandchildren.I WILL QUIT SMOKING!

Happy New Year Jack!

I tried the Chantix last February, and within 2 days, I was ready to quit my job. Just made me angry at everything.
I'm on the patch now, 3rd day, and only 1 crazy dream!
Going easier than I thought, after 30 years of smoking.......

My girl friend and I are taking the big step today . To quit smoking wish us luck

I stopped at midnight New Year's eve. Smoke free in 2013!!! Come on people, we can do this!!!

Thats the trick for me too, keeping busy. stopping to think about it i smoke mostly from boredom, at work. ive been chomping these zinc, vitamin c, alfalfa, and b vitamin pills for 4 days now. ive smoked 4 in that time....the mental part of it seems to be going well, im not freaking out as bad as i did last time. That and last night i bought a pack of liggett non-filters, figured the nastiest, most disgusting coffin nails i could find would help out too.....2 puffs off that bad boy and i wanted to choke. yep, it helps. haha

Good luck everybody, people have done it, you can too, whatever way works!

I did it with a book called "You Can Stop Smoking" by Jacqueline Rogers. It's old and maybe out of print but it worked.

Moparisbest: You and your girlfriend quitting together reminded me of my Grandparents. Around 1970 after cigs got to a certain price, they had 2 left in a pack, my Grandpa said to my Grandma, 'these are our last cigarettes, we're not smoking anymore," and they didn't.