71 Dodge Demon for sale

Lots of strategic restoration shortcuts and inconsistencies for a near top dollar 70-71 340 4spd car. Also lack of original motor and buildsheet for a Hamtramck car dings the value some.

They sprayed the undercarriage but left the torsion bars in? So how well did they prep the undercarriage surface for paint. How long before it starts to flake.

Sort of looks like the trunk wire and underchassis lines were still on the car and got overspray on them when they painted. Some trunk body plugs are painted over too, and some are not.

Also has a 1972 snorkel hood and graphics. Cool hood, but when you are bragging about all the other original stuff to the car, the wrong year hood doesn't jive.

The bucket seats and rear wing are 1970 style. It might be an early production car and got those items.

Those are NOT original interior door panels. Those are the older Legendary panels that do not have enough cut out in them to accept the door panel clips. That is why you see a series of bulges in bottom and sides of the door panels. Later panels corrected this, and originals do not have this issue.

Those are all just some indications of bigger underlaying issues. Might be a solid car otherwise, or maybe not. Certainly a car that should be inspected in person before purchase.