Radio Delete Cars

when i buy cars ....the first thing i always look at is the dash ...and usually i have been right in saying the nicer the dash is the nicer the car usually is overall..

hacked radio opening, wires hanging down, stupid car speakers hacked in, thin speaker wire running under the seats, aftermarket gauges everywhere missing or mismatched knobs, Taz or Tweety floor mats are a few of many things that scream "your buying this car from a complete idiot"

of my best cars i have ever bought.... had the factory radio in place, (even if it didnt work) original bezels, all the screws holding the bezels on. all the original knobs and a clean ashtray.......those are a few things that spelled out "this was a taken care of car OR this car was not drivien very much" either way .....Thats good.