learn from others fu#k ups

Oh i bet there was some words said that kiddos should not hear ! That makes me hurt lol

It was beyond words, just primal grunting and snarling while hobbling around the garage with my hand held between my knees and breathing heavily through my teeth.

I've experienced my fair share of pain (stupid mistakes and such), but that topped everything. Nothing compares to that in my book, I've almost taken fingers off (ironically enough on the front shocks of a 4x4 as well... ratchet slipped and I raked my fingers across the rotor, pinning them between the caliper and rotor ), hit myself in the junk with a slide-hammer, smacked myself in the knee with a "mini-thor" hammer (one of those mini-sledges you use to really screw stuff up), but the fingernail is #1 on my list o pain. The knee and junk hammer smacks are in the top 5 though :D