OMG what a Hamburger

Rani-I'de be careful about trying to gain weight purely via junk food. Just because you're small doesn't mean you're immune from diabetes and heart disease.

thanks for that reminder bcoz your absolutely correct.......i dont plan on eating big burgers everyday (i cant lol) but every once in a while like maybe every two weeks.......

when i was in the clinic they had lectures to me on how to improve my health and they said a hamburger every once in a while is ok.....but not in excess

i am fortunate to have a case worker that i can call and ask questions anytime and i can go back to the clinic voluntary......its really not a bad place was just horrible when they ordered me to go and wouldnt let me go and could enforce keeping me there with security. (strange feeling)

but being health minded is important ....thanks to the clinic i know what calories and cholestrol is and why its important lol

i am active too ....dont sit hyper most of the time and living on a farm is always a workout ....i have to feed horses and cows and do a lot of work LOL

i hope everyone else here keeps good health in mind too.....stay safe my fellow FABO peeps