OMG what a Hamburger

One of our QC guys at my work is Indian and has to clean the beef out of his refrigerator and freezer before his mother comes to visit from India every year.
She stays about 3 months and he say's he's dying for a burger after just a couple of weeks when she's here - but doesn't dare go home with "beef breath".

thats too funny...i know how he feels, if my real parents knew they would absolutely freak out but they have never been here to USA and will prolly never have the chance to come

my "adoptive" family here are original American ppl but they have never forced me to go one way or the other culturally ....they have just let me discover things on my own.

when i expressed interest in a hamburger my family here asked me if i was sure about that......they were with me when i did it LOL.

even getting into cars ....they planted the car bug seed and encouraged a little in the begining .....but mostly let me grow on my own.