Low Rider Mopars

thats correct .....with hydros you have no suspension and the ride is really rough....i know only bcoz i have painted a few low-riders before with candy paints and metal flake varieties....i did that when i used to be a hired gun ......i looked at it like a job i was getting paid for.....but looking back now it is amazing how much work goes into that. the labor used to get into the thousands and some of these guys were eager to pay if your willing to put the time into it....i can post pics of ones i was involved with later.

but one of my customers gave me a ride one time in a 78 T-bird with hydros and it felt like a very rough ride you can feel every little bump on the road. .....i think bags will be more comfy for you

Well Rani that use to be the old way with Hydro's now they have a set up that gives a very comfortable ride. Before you say they don't you need to research it.