Front wheel bearings, any favorites?

Auto Zone has Timken made in USA. I tried to find them.
They told me they sell more of them than anything else in the store.
So I wanted to post that.
I did a search before posting and found this tread.
I’m resurrecting and updating it.

The driver was talking to me.
It was a whisper only I could hear. No real noise or sound. Something just didn’t feel right.
After you spend so much time with someone you develop a relationship that can’t be explained to the skeptic.
It’s like one of those stories in which someone just knows something bad has happened to another person even though they are miles apart.
Like that.
I suspected that the wheel bearings might be going. They have 100K on them. Not sure where the left was made.
But the right one was Mexican.
So after I got some Timken today, I pulled the wheels and found the brake pad rivets where right there.

That was close.