Parts presale to Auto Mania in Allentown

If you are in need of any A-Body parts, rears, center sections, etc.

I am heading to Allentown, Pa for Auto Mania on 1/17/13 through 1/20/13 and will be in booths I6, I7, H6 & H7. It opens to the public on Friday Jan 18th at noon with the following hours:

1/18/13: 12pm-9pm
1/19/13: 9am-6pm
1/20/13: 9am-3pm

This is a heated indoor swap meet that is held annually at the Allentown Fairgrounds for those of us who have never attended before, will be my first time as well. But after learning that Calisle Events purchased the swap meet from the previous owner and hired him to manage the event, we all know what Carlisle means.

Please PM me with your email address and needs so we can communicate more effectively.

I realize you are already in Allentown- but when you come back to MD hit me with an email about rear center sections you may have. I am looking for a suregrip 3.91, 3.73 in good shape. Live close near Frederick- Good luck selling stuff [email protected] thanks, Gib