150 HP LA 318 - vs - 230 HP Magnum 318

Do the heads on the 5.2 Mag have the same problem as the 5.9 Mag as far as cracking goes? Or are they the same heads?


Same head.

The bench racing is ON.

So how do you know to walk away from a Magnum with cracked heads? Are they always the kiss of death and require replacement?

A minor crack in the head is not the kiss of death and not a required replacement. How do I know this? Because many people drive around with cracked heads and never know it for thousands and thousands of miles.

If you discover a cracked head in a rebuilding, replace the head.

You'll never know if the head is cracked unless you look for it.

dude if your in nw Oregon im in Ridgefield I can easily find you a good motor pm me with your price range
Now there's a good fella for you!