62 lancer gt production numbers aluminum block.

That slapping sound you just heard was my hand smacking my forehead. Of course, a magnet will give an instant ID. The other cues are good to know, too, in case I'm someday pawing through a bin of mixed engine parts.

Interesting that Chrysler didn't consider freeze plugs to be necessary. I'd have thought that aluminum would be just as susceptible to cracking due to frost pressure as cast iron. I lost a Buick nailhead that way, long time ago.

Aluminum blocks were injected pressure formed. Cast Iron motors are sand cast with poured cast iron. The "freeze plugs" are to knock the sand forms out.

10767 AL Blocks in 1961
36000 AL Blocks in 1962
12,500,00 Slant Sixes from 1960 to 1991.