Is this a fair deal?

It seems the TTI's are more popular than the Doug's, I think the TTI's flow a little better?(i'm not sure on the difference) I am in the middle of installing a set of Doug's as we speak.(they came with no instructions... I believe the TTI's come with detailed install instructions)

As far as ceramic vs uncoated... I will never buy uncoated again. On my Camaro I had uncoated Hooker Super Comps... wrapped them in about 85$ worth of fiber-glass header wrap, which eventually I tore off as it was a pain to work around and was falling off in big chunks... painted them with about 35$ worth of VHT header paint(burnt off in no-time)... after replacing MSD wires(burnt) 2 or 3 times I finally bought coated Hooker Super Comps... should of done that in the first place. Look great, underhood temp is a little lower, no burnt wires. :cheers: