66 Valiant Convertible
Still waiting on the carpet. After having the restoration shop send me the 67+ carpet, they had to have their wherhouse make a 66 carpet set and get it sent out.
We finalized the electrical, adding underdash courtesey lights, as well as a trunk lite.
We got the hydraulic pump taken apart and hopefully sealed up, and then installed it.
The doors are giving us HUGE fits, with the new door seal in the doors are troublesome to get to close, and when they do the botom sticks out 1/4"-3/8" from the body.
The engine is installed, coolant added oil added and everything connected to it cept the battery. We are waiting on the battery tray. Of all the parts that COULD have come up missing during a total shop cleaning and reorganizing, we lost a neg. bat cable and the bat. tray itself.
The glass company came out and installed the windshiedl with a brand new seal and lock strip.
The top is also giving me some trouble. The driver's side portion of the conv. top holds up a little higher, and it sits back further on the top of the windshield. The door windows dont touch the window seals either, you can put your pinky through the top of the door.
Here is one from yesterday morning:
Here is a few pictures that we took today (sunday) before we installed the bumper, but after we washed her up.