Time For a rebuild
Well after some thinking and looking at how I had the turbos and surfing yellowbullet forums and looking at some turbo setups I have decided I am moving the turbo's. The way I had them I was going to run the exhaust out and through the fender and above the wheel, down and under the frame and back under the car out to the back. I have my wiring and fuel lines coming up in the same area plus I want to do something different. I did some measuring and more head scratching, only thing left is to put the twins where I want them on this go round and see what is what. I am still waiting for the proper headers from S&P, I was told they shipped them last wed have called 3 times for a tracking number and was told they would e-mail it to me but I still have not received the e-mail. Makes me wonder if they have shipped them. I did get some of the other stuff today. I was happy when new parts arrived but now I am getting a stock pile and its getting a little overwhelming when looking at the big picture, but in the end I know it will be worth it.