Punked...Mopars are too expensive !!!

You should rethink that statement. Convertibles are the real babe getters. I can think of plenty of shows where the vehicle was a convertible such as Nash Bridges and Mannix who both drove Mopar convertibles. As matter of fact they retrifitted the parts off a 73 with a 71 to have Mannix's convertible.

When a factory equipped Mopar hardtop is put up against a matching equipped Mopar convertible in the same shape the convertible will always bring more money. Anyone can have a vintage hardtop but not everyone can have a convertible.

Instead of dissing a man for buying something other than a Mopar you should show some class and congratulate him on such a nice car even though you don't like the brand. After working on customers cars in his mechanic shop all week long do you think maybe he would like to have a nice car to enjoy on the weekends? Personally I am not a snob and appreciate all American made iron including the Edsel because all these cars kept Americans working.

Something else to remember, he may be the person that has or knows where to get the one part you need or how to tell you how to fix the problem with your car.

Well said Bill....someone has a little "droptop envy"

Im a car guy too Martin, congrats on the nice ride!