subframe connectors questions

well since this is going to be a road race car / street car and not an all out drag car i am not so much cioncerned with the twisting forces of the front end lifting under accelleration on a drag strip. i am more concerned with the side to side chassis twising forces from a heavy duty suspension and a road race type of course scenario...
Do you plan on accellerating out of the turns with it? All the same torsional stresses are going to be a factor as well. Cars don't really bend in 1/2 as much as they twist. Whether is straight line accelleration or out of the corners they all want to twist. I don't know how hard you plan on stressing the car or what kind of power you plan on making, .083 may be plenty, but a length of .125 mild steel isn't that much money. I knew a guy who used .083 m/s in his connectors on a Duster that ran 11.50s & didn't seem to have any problems, but... You may want to consider the headaches if you install the .083 & it doesn't work & you have to re-do it. Just saying...