Shift Kit

Are you saying that the B&M kits are inconsistent? Are the Transgo ones better?
Or are the kits inconsistent because the installers use varying degrees of caution, or interpret the instructions differently.
In other words "Operator Error".

Is there a certain position to hold the VB so the check balls don't fall out? Are all of the check balls the same size?



Yes, IMO the B&M shift improver kits are inconsistant. And it's not due to installers choosing options because thtere are none in the B&M kit. It's been a long time since I used one but if I remember right they only send a different transfer plate and a couple other parts. The problem is Ma Mopar calibrated transmissions so differently from one application to another. The Trans-go kits come with different springs and you drill your stock plate. I know it doesn't sound like it'd be a big diff. but IMO it is a much better match to each particular trans. If you hold the VB with the screws pointing up just like they are when you take them out all but 1 check ball generally stays in place. If you have the Trans-go instructions it's not a big deal anyway because they give you a picture of where they all go. No their not all the same, but again the instructions tell you what sizes go where.