I'm a happy man with my newly-tuned TQ!

I have a built 408 stroker in my '62 Valiant, which I assembled several years ago. I never was quite happy with the way it ran (I knew it was rich), and it got terrible mileage, but I was never able to find a mechanic who knew anything about TQs. Anyway, I took one of my other Mopars into a smog shop (I'm in California) for a smog inspection and, entirely accidentally, met a mechanic there who knew all about them. He tuned that other car's TQ so it ran really great and passed smog with flying colors (he uses a smog dyno and a sniffer, of course).

So I took my Valiant in to him and asked him to tune the TQ in it. He found that it was running 6% rich(!), and he adjusted the main metering circuit to stoichiometric. It runs so much better now that I can't believe it. The acceleration is very crisp and immediate. I'm one happy boy now!