How about trading parts?

My questions may seem funny or misunderstanded, but I hope someone could answer...

As you can see I'm not american, living in Germany.

I'm here in a lot of forums, especially for japanese cars and oldtimers.

Now, since I'm here, I get a little bit irritated...

I realized at when I started ordering parts in US two years ago - I often mailed a company for further informations, and what happened? Nothing - no answer... So I mailed twicr, tripple, and - nothing. So I get up from bed at 2.30 am to telephonate to US - and spend a lot money for getting some answers, that could have been mailed in a few minutes...

Same with shippings, if I bought things at ebay. In the auction stands "delivery 1 day after payment", I paid via PayPal, and after 10 days I've to call up and beg for shipping... Instead of (paid) expensive fast shipping delivery via slow USPS standart...

Is it "normal"?

Maybe I'm spoiled, but even if I buy things in Italy or Spain, contact and delivery are much more friendly and faster...

In forums we use to answer pm's as fast as possible. That means: We read, and if we can't answer directly we answer when we will know more...

In two weeks I read some threats about people, who traded with forum members and didn't got their parts - does it means I have to be very carefully?

May it be I'm from another planet?

Or is it normal - then I have to apologize...