Rani on the loose

COOOOL car ...75 duster.....to me there is no such thing as a bad duster ....i actually prefer the later ones too..... i was looking for a 73 or 4 when i tripped over my demon, but they look pretty much the same from far LOL.

i know what you mean about life getting in the way .....i am just soaking all the car madness in that i can now.....i know it might not be this way forever. i am finishing college and next is ????? the next phase may or may not include cars. so we all just have to soak in what we can when we can.

:toothy10: Not include cars ? :wack:lol ive dumped girls before when they told me i had to sell my cars .one told me it was her or the cars i opened the front door for her after i helped her pack ,when asked why i told her the cars dont talk back dont tell me how to spend my money and dont spend it for me . then i found one that didnt mind them and even let me buy a car she liked a 72 galaxie . i know its not mopar but still a cool old car and not a bellybutton chevy . i married her but she blames me for our 4yo daughter always wanting to ride in the old cars we have or in my semi lol . our 4 yo has seen more of the u.s.a. than most see their whole life and its either staring out the window of a classic car or pick up or my semi and she loves it . I just had to find someone to share the sickness with and now theres 3 lol