Shift Kit

Alright, so the spring on the far left is the one that I have installed in the 1-2 shift valve, the one in the middle is the one from the lockup VB I believe from the 1-2 shift valve, one on the farthest right idk what it goes too but it's got red on it and it's the same as the one in the middle.
If you look at an exploded view of the VB of this area (none lockup w/ 3-2 downshift and limit valve assembly) you'll notice that the spring for the 1-2 shift valve is as long as 2-3 shift valve spring. The one I installed is much longer thus much stiffer. If the diagram I'm going by (from the book fishy suggested) I am to believe I have a stiffer spring installed on the 1-2 shift valve. Hurah if I'm right haha

Also I've adjust the front band, checked for loose bushings on the shift linkage and once I get everything installed I will check the throttle pressure linkage.

I could only guess which one of those goes in the 1-2
Maybe find something that tells you the length of the spring that does.
The only clue I can think of is if the kit instructions say anything about the red spring.