Obama owned a gas guzzling Chrysler 300C ???

Nixon's presidential limo got 4 mpg on a good day

GWB did not improve my life one little bit, I blame his lack of oversight for the banking problems that led to the housing price crash. Don't say it was going to happen cause in Canada it did not, they have strict regulations for banks, in the US the banks were just giving money away to anybody who ask for a loan. You could put down you earn $75,000 a year and only making $25,000 and the banks were not even checking i f the info was true. They were just stamping appovals on their loans and then when everything crashed, they were too big to fail and GWB--not Obama but he would had too--GWB gave out bailout payments-I don't call them loans cause the money hasn't been paid back in full.

The rich are getting richer and the middle class is shrinking. Romney idea of middle class was people who earn $250,000 a year..that is upper class in my book. Romney in company cost us many jobs. I'm glad Ohio didn't vote for him.Plus Romney was so cocky, he thought for sure he be elected..he forgot young people and minorities can and do vote, even if they gotta stand in line for hours.

I hope the supreme court puts an end to gay marriages this summer, Obama can buzz off. I would have rather voted for the Pope but he wasn't running. It was either him or some fat cat who cared less about those earning under $250,000, IMO

Now lets talk about something else, I'm moving on...I tune back in, come 2016..that New Jersey governor seems OK, so what he is fat, half the people in the USA are fat. There's no way I'm going for Mrs Clinton...unless another Bushie is running, ugh