Obama owned a gas guzzling Chrysler 300C ???

Romney, a successful business man that made million investing and risking his and shareholders money...

Obama, a successful community organizer that has spend trillions of taxpayer money and has nothing to show for it....


Hope you job is really secure, dodge freak, cause your president is going to add 11 million new citizens that are mostly low paying wage earners...and then they will sponsor in their brothers...sisters...aunts..uncles...grandma...and then we have 30 million new low paying wage earners....

It is estimated that the 11 million will cost the taxpayers...you being one of them...29 billion dollars in benefits for just the 11 million new legals citizens.....at some point there is not enough rich people to tax...so the govt starts taxing the middle class....

Billions of dollars made by buying small companies, putting them out of business(putting people out of work) and selling off the assets. A slimy pos...even most of my right leaning friends recognize, he is a bad person and a crap candidate...blame your party.