Car took a bullet to the brain (PCM) - literally!

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I am not a dealership. My cost on the PCM is almost $500. Plus, since we are a for profit shop, we mark up and charge labor. Plus the reprogramming that must be done with a Tech II scanner and a subscription to the Delco site to do a pass through programming. Most shops can't do this, and you certainly can't do it at home. Perhaps a little research before you shoot me down on pricing?

X2 Mopar, and these tools, shop, wrecker and insurance to cover any car while you have it is
not Cheep ... My son charges (well the co he works for) $72 an hour when they need him in the field across the country, they fly him to some locations
scary chit and working on train packs/units. If that car catches on fire or hurts equipment it will come out of your pocket... Got to keep the shop afloat :cheers: