Car took a bullet to the brain (PCM) - literally!

I'm sorry if I offend you but the car isn't worth what was charged. at $1400 I would have let the insurance write it off, cut the converters off it and give it to a salvage yard/ take it for scrap

It was the mechanic bad rap line that upset me. This price is totally in line with most shops, and well cheaper than the dealer. Yet you, as a lot of people do, hear the price and automatically blame us for what they consider an exorbitant price, even though they have no idea what it actually costs or have not called anywhere else for a second estimate. Blame the mechanic, that's the stock line. Sorry, but that pisses me off. Not mad at you, just mad at the culture of blame the mechanic first, get information later.

Plus, not having seen the car or knowing what it is, how can you say it's not worth the repair. It is a low mileage 2003 Impala, worth about $4000. I wouldn't throw that away for a $1400 repair bill.