tranny cross member

Welcome to the wonderful world of early A's. These cars were designed for 6 cylinder engines only and when you put in a V8 there are obstacles to deal with. You have 4 options for your dilemma. You can run stock V8 single exhaust, run the passenger side exhaust under the existing crossmember, you can buy a crossmember that has been modified for dual exhaust, or you can modify the one you have. The modification isn't that hard to do but you need a welder and a way to cut and shape the metal you have. There are at least a couple of threads here about the process that I know of. If you don't have the tools needed, put up an ad here and try to find one that has been modified or try eBay. They show up there occasionally. I can't say for sure that there is a company that turns these out but a Google search may turn up something. Good luck with your hunt.....