400 low buck dont give a

:arrow: left to right, ridge reamer, 300 grit stone hone and 600 grit ball hone. the ridge ream is set in the top of the cylinder and tighten to just compress the springs behind the cutter with the top nut. then you turn it with a breaker bar and socket on the bigger nut until the ridge is gone. plus every so often you have to tighen it a little more.
the stone and ball hones i use with a hose running a bit of water to keep the stones clean with either a battery or air drill. use the stone hone first until the cylinder is as good as you can get it then hit it with the ball hone.
pic of the cutters, the 3 on left are different size guides, the top right is a valve guide/spring seat cutter the other one is a seat cutter. either of the 2 cutters bolt into any one of the guides and you stick them in your drill and have at it.
the knurlers and thier reamers are next to each other. the 2 things on the right go on the knurlers and you turn them with a wrench. the reamers you chuck in a drill with a little oil. the other thing is some type a reamer that i haven't got a clue what it's for.
all this take time, 25 minutes each cylinder to ridge ream and 10 minutes to water hone. the heads about and hour or so.