Superbowl was too hot for me

After a week and two days of thick sweaters and quilt skirts to stay warm and a house that settled in at 55 degrees .....Finally today got a new furnace put in and online.

it makes a beautiful hum and is sooooo modern compared to the other 40 year old unit ....and most of all PEACE OF MIND knowing that flames are not going to shoot out of this one LOL.

and best of all the insurance company payed for it all. they said that they dont normally replace furnaces but since this one actually caught fire and i saved them a bunch of money in repairs by stopping it early ....they approved it :cheers:

they did an investigation and found that the official cause of the fire is a cracked heat exchanger the exhaust was coming through the crack and back across the fan and blowing the flame out of the chamber, which then caught the wiring on fire

so if the fire didnt kill the furnace the carbon monoxide could have done me in.

all new smoke detectors and carbon alarms and more fire extingushers around the whole house....and the new gas valve is a hand valve so no need for a wrench to shut the gas down in the unlikely event of a problem

an inspector is still coming. two guys who are licenced and totally legit from a reputable local company got it done in 3 and half hours :prayer: