It's sad when it's all about the money
i was born and raised in a different country, so if i ever had to go back, would it be a bad thing if i took MY car with ME.
just sayin, that you never know the situation and there are car ppl everywhere that would take care of it and apreciate it for what it is.
even though i personally would NEVER take a mopar to my birthplace only bcoz i am not allowed to own property in my district so i would lose it anyway......but if i were a Male the idea would not be out of the question.
you never know the situation and personally i think some of these cars are better off overseas in the hands of a real car person than here in the hands of a broke-A$$ wanna be, who will never realistically do anything with it. LOL
just my .02 but i do agree that it is kinda sad to see them go, since this is their birthplace.