had a visit from the sheriff this weekend

our neighbor is forever calling the county on us 3 times last year then once so far this year his complaint? sticks laying in the yard and my galaxie malibu and van not being driven because they sit during the winter so he calls them out all the time . They came out and inspected the yard issued a $400 fine for the sticks and the fence we have leaning against the house that we are slowing buying more of to keep that a$$hole out of the yard and keep him from peeping in the windows . My wife and daughter cant even go outside in the summer because he will yell over here at her about doing yard work and calls her a fat bit** . Any one thinking about moving don't move anywhere near lake twp or wood county ohio in general if you dont have much money . we are going to move as soon as we get some bills caught up and pay a few things off . I hope no one has a neighbor like ours .

When I lived in longview wa I had a neighbor like that some how his brand new BMW burnt to the ground one night lol wasn't me can't say I might not have mentioned how funny it would be to a few people though maybe it just caught the wrong ears lmfao