Power steering pulley issues...

Use the 318 brackets, and buy a rebuilt power steering pump. Then turn in the old core and be done with it. Either contact a rebuilder locally to cut out the middle man or go to the local big chain auto store. Their markup is a lot less. My friend is corporate Mgmt for a large chain store. He showed me who they used and I was surprised that they use the same rebuilder I do and only mark it up $25 dollars higher. $75 dollars is what the chain store wants. I get it directly for $50 dollars. The chain stores can also order rebuild kits as well to do it yourself. Either way you go it's better than what some of the high dollar specialty Mopar shops have charged..... There was a thread not so long ago about it. Believe it was like 300+ dollars a member paid, then found the invoice for like $179 or so. What some charge is nuts! I Won't say who the shop was he used but you all may remember the story. Bottom line research before you buy but get another 318 unit rather than mess with the slant six unit and pulley.