Cool cars you found but owner wouldn't sell !

one other a 15 year old kid back in the mid 60's, my path from school to my house, (walking of course!), took me by a house where a lot of old cars were parked. There seemed to always be a flurry of activity going on there with race cars and such. Parked in the drive way, off to the side was a nicely painted dark green 57 Chevy two door post car. Now I had a 41 Ford pickup at the time that my dad had given me for a 'first' car; but I could never get that flathead to start up, and since I was 15 I wasn't going to be able to drive it anyway. One day a man came to my dad's garage and offered 200.00 dollars for the Ford pickup, and now I'm thinking,'Wow, some money to buy what I want!' I stopped by the house where the 57 was and asked if it might be for sale?! It was! A complete 57 body, nicely done naugahyde interior, but no engine or transmission for the unbelievable price of 75.00 dollars! I had already done some preliminary pricing at the local bone yard for a 283-327 engine and a transmission......75.00 for the engine and 50.00 for the transmission....let's see that all adds up to 200.00! (Of course, I hadn't thought about tires, radiator, battery, etc.!) I approached my dad with all of my facts and figures, expecting him to be impressed with my hard work! His response, 'you don't need something like that!' Well the truck got sold, the two hundred dollars ended up somewhere, and I ended up with my moms 56 Olds Holiday 4 door hardtop! But at least the Olds had A/C and a cool button on the floor above the dimmer switch that changed the stations on the AM radio! Ben.