help and options highly needed on single stage

Check out this SEM hot rod black .Its a urethane single stage paint. i used it to paint a buddies Sportster a few years ago and its holding up great. here's a link:

I've used the SEM Hot Rod Black a few times. I bought it in a kit which came with a quart of paint and the proper amount of reducer and activator. I think the last time I bought it the price was about $60 for a kit. One kit will do a hood.

Below is a pic of an old truck I shot with it. Hot Rod Black covers a multitude of flaws. This truck is rougher than a pig turd covered in cornmeal but it doesn't look too bad. It has bad hail damage, places where dents were pounded out with a sack of walnuts, bondoed over rust spots, you get the idea. I sanded it with a d/a just to knock the surface rust and flaky primer off of it. I sealed it with some black sealer, then shot it with 2 quarts of the SEM. Not only was that enough to do the outside but I shot under the hood, the inner fenders, and inside the doors, too.