Rich Christensen's(from PINKS) New TV Show, Won and Done!?

You guys are funny! Rich is a producer and TV personality dealing with a bunch of whinny racers. I would bet less than 5% of racers could agree on a race without a douche with some money in his hand there to make them "agree to not agree on a fair race". No doubt all reality shows are scripted to some degree.

I do agree with most here, Rich could really give a **** about the people, cars,and races other than the entertainment value. He does however seem to have a niche for making a living producing drag racing shows with corporate funding. His shows do employ local people that might otherwise be unemployed. They also promote safe racing on a track. They more than likely increase interest in the sport drag racing. Lastly the show is mildly entertaining if you like cars and racing.

I think you guys are confusing NHRA racing entertainment with reality show entertainment.:burnout:
I like drag racing shows for what they are entertainment. Doesn't matter to me if its Pinks or a NHRA final.