Rich Christensen's(from PINKS) New TV Show, Won and Done!?

You guys are funny! Rich is a producer and TV personality dealing with a bunch of whinny racers. I would bet less than 5% of racers could agree on a race without a douche with some money in his hand there to make them "agree to not agree on a fair race". No doubt all reality shows are scripted to some degree.

I do agree with most here, Rich could really give a **** about the people, cars,and races other than the entertainment value. He does however seem to have a niche for making a living producing drag racing shows with corporate funding. His shows do employ local people that might otherwise be unemployed. They also promote safe racing on a track. They more than likely increase interest in the sport drag racing. Lastly the show is mildly entertaining if you like cars and racing.

I think you guys are confusing NHRA racing entertainment with reality show entertainment.:burnout:
I like drag racing shows for what they are entertainment. Doesn't matter to me if its Pinks or a NHRA final.
doesn't change the fact that the guy comes a cross as being an arrogant ***. If he was smart he would see that and let someone else host his shows. No one in the hobby likes the guy so the only reason he hosts these shows is his Napoleon complex. He made a great choice in hiring Wagner for Pass time. He should stay behind the scenes and let these shows appeal to more of us by letting real racers run things.