318 top end build

Lets Help the Guy, not 'nit-pick'

The 1972 318 was listed as having 9.23 to 1 Compression with 61.00 CC (#2843675)
Cylinder Heads, an .o36" thickness head gasket and with the piston below the
deck (.056).

The #2843675 Cylinder Head came from the factory with a CC range between
61.00 and 66.00, with most on the high range.

A #302 Casting Head (Milled and CC'd) to a minimum of 63.00 would give him at least
nearly the same compression. If the piston is too deep in the cylinder, taking an additional
.010 off the Cylinder Head will be accetable, and will take an additional 2 CC out of the chamber.

Always go to 'two' Professional Machine Shops to discuss procedures.