Beginner Asphalt Circle Track - Duster??

I have an adult daughter struggling in life, needs to get away from negative influences and is interested in racing. This might be a way for me to have more time with her.

She likes Dusters. I have a couple of them that could be fixed up. For power plants I have two good running slants, a 170 and a 225 with 904s. I also have a 318 and 340 that would need a rebuild.

Is it even worth considering, or am I better off just finding a Civic. I have not researched yet, just thinking there are likely members here with experience that could shed some light.

sounds like a good dad here......he wants to spend more time with her. my adoptive dad (uncle) is my hero bcoz i can go to him with any problem no matter how big or small .....every girl needs a hero in her life.....good to hear of another nice dad.

i would beat up a civic for circle track and build a duster for street .......the track is going to a tough life for a car ...a civic is a lot more disposable than a duster can have your fun with a civic or similar and discard it when you finished.

a duster is a better car to build with a long term intent and pass it on to future generations.....IMO