Beginner Asphalt Circle Track - Duster??

I don't know anything about circle track racing, but if your daughter likes Dusters, and you have one to work with, that sounds like a good project for the two of you to work on together. Get the car set up as well as you know how to and get her out and racing. You'll both learn through experience how to tune and tweak the car for improved performance as you go. The time spent together will far trump results at the track. Who knows, you might find that the two of you are a winning team on both accounts. Just my $.02. Best of luck.

She's already pretty good on a dirt bike but wants to race a car. I think the beginner class could be a blast for both of us.

4spdcuda66 I don't know anything about circle track racing, but if your daughter likes Dusters, and you have one to work with, that sounds like a good project for the two of you to work on together. Get the car set up as well as you know how to and get her out and racing. You'll both learn through experience how to tune and tweak the car for improved performance as you go. The time spent together will far trump results at the track. Who knows, you might find that the two of you are a winning team on both accounts. Just my $.02. Best of luck.

Thanks for the encouraging words. One of these Dusters would otherwise get parted anyway, but I suspect there's a reason people are running what they are.