Beginner Asphalt Circle Track - Duster??

How about a rear wheel drive 4 banger/2 rotor? RX7 comes to mind. 1st gen is cheap and light, and the rear wheel drive can be fun on an oval. Or a 2.6L Arrow with a header, keepin it Mopar (sort of). Heck, even if you lose to a bunch of boys, you still have yourself to beat time wise the next race. 170 will have no chance, neither will the 225 unless you pony up and build it. Tight 318 with 4.56's and headers will rock a Civic out of the corners and that is where its at on a short oval.

Another that comes to mind is the Geo Storm. My other daughter had one. Peppy little go kart.

I imagine a 340 with those gears would rock. Just not sure if the handling would be competitive.

Judge Mills We raced a Duster on dirt.. It was tough, since all the rest of the cars were Camaro's... All had blueprinted engines, adjusted coils in the front, etc. We were the only Mopar in that class. It was tough, because we had no one to share tips with. We were also very young, (19-20) which didn't help much.

That being said, this class sounds a lot less competitive, which is good! Personally, I wouldn't trash another Duster, especially when there are Neon's to be had for CHEAP, plus the replacement parts can be found much cheaper (junk yards should be stocked up with them). No matter what, have FUN! I'm hoping to help my buddy build another car, this time a Camaro

So were you really lacking in handling with the torsion bar setup?

12valve The cheapest way to get into the sport is to find someone getting out of it! Attend a few races and ask around, someone always knows someone whose sitting at home with a car ready to run but no cash. You generally can't build a car for what you can buy one for, and until she knows that this is what she wants to do, you're better off keeping your cash outlay to a minimum.

having said all of that, making laps on the track in competition doesn't compare to anything and would be an excellent relationship and confidence builder.

That sounds like good advice. The only way we'll know is to try it.