Sciatica and pain Dam Back .. Help

I know what your going through bud. I have multi level degenerative disc disease and blew 2 discs in my back at work in 05. Have had 2 surgeries and tried every type of chriopractic, accupuncture, cold laser, phys therapy, inversion table, you name it treatment I could find and nothing helped much short of the surgeries, which got me moving again with less pain but I have to be real careful what I lift (nothing over 50 lbs.) and can't bend much and still have some real bad days, like today. Just got up from laying on the heating pad. Take 3-4 Vicodin a day just so I can get around and do anything. Had to give up a lot of things I like, including rebuilding transmissions, and any type of sports. Now at age 49 I just talk about it. Luckily I had a disability insurance plan through work that pays the bills and I know a couple guys that help me work on my Cuda when i have something to do.

I wish you the best bud.