So this is what $6000 buys you nowadays?

I'm currently in northern Virginia with family right now and I do not see any muscle cars whatsoever out here. No classic or vintage either.......... So different from so cal.....
Also people don't really know how to drive that well here either. Not saying everyone but so many pedestrians get hit all the time and people will back into cars and just leave......
They pull stupid maneuvers everywhere and always bumping into things. I would never bring my cars around these people.......
My sister had a pristine car when she moved here last year but people keep bumping her car in lots etc...
Some douch bag today did it while I was right next to the car and when I yelled he just shrugged his shoulders.... So I punched in his side door...... That will teach the douch bag. Boy he got scared and took off in a hurry. What a great stress relief though