What do you think of this

Lots of good advice on here.

Live your own life and let them live theirs. In a year or two, five or ten, do you really think it'll matter that you lived through some jibes about your car? If that's all they can see about a person, then they're living shallow lives.

Too much keeping up with the Jones'. I guess that's fine, but what if the Jones' are a**holes?

My nephew is about your age, close to graduating. He's building an '81 Cordoba. His friends think it's cool.

Others ask him why. To those he looks dead in the eye and says, "cause you're not."

I know it's human nature to go with the pack, but look what the pack is doing: riced out little s*** boxes, thinking that cutting coils out of a spring is the way to lower 'em. Fart can mufflers that have got to be good for at least another hundred horsepower. ( :roll: ) Saggin'. (Nuff said on that.)

Be your own person and hold your head high, knowing you're doing what they can't: building your own car.