Another "Good Guy Alert"

:blob: Nite Moves/Edd :blob: I just want to let everybody know what a great guy Edd is. I've bought, sold, & traded many things from parts to complete cars with & from Edd. The poor guy is going through a tough time right now with his back, but even with that he's still moving along on his Dart. Nite Moves is great to deal with and is as honest as they get.

:thumblef:Anybody that ever wants to deal with Nite Moves has nothing to worry about as he would do anything he can to help out. Edd has made amazing progress with his '67 Dart despite his limited automotive background, basic tools, & a small garage. Keep up the great work Edd & thanks for all you've done on behalf of myself & all the FABO folks you've helped=D>