72 demon 340 resto

well this week i took my whole dash assembly to work and started on that. i got it torn down and the frame painted. then i stripped all the plastic cluster pieces down with oven cleaner. i was leary of this but it worked awesome. didn t hurt the plastic and took everything down to raw plastic in less than an hour. i took the parts to my vacuum metalizing shop that did my other cluster ten years ago.......they won t do small loose one time parts anymore. more production, more production, more production. dicks.
so now i gotta figure out something with those parts.

a couple weeks ago the plater that had my console pieces called and said 700 to get all the pits out of my ash tray and what not. no way . so i tell him to just give me a price for the chrome work and i would figure out what to do with the pits. he said he d call when he got it back and could give me an accurate price.
he called wednsday and says they re done. say what?? 200 bucks. he delivered them friday and they actually turned out really nice and he must have fixed some of the pits and the ash tray don t look too bad either. better than spending 550 for repop set. i can live with some of the small blems. so score one for me.