Bad parking jobs?

DaveBonds: My dad did that to me in his Suburban. We have kind of a steep driveway on top of a hill and when it gets icy you have to work up a decent amount of speed to get up into it. He gave it a little too much gas, and slide right into my driver's tail light. Surprisingly it only cracked the housing and he had this big ol 6 inch dent in his bumper. He owes me a set of tail light housings though...

have done a couple of bad park jobs myself, am ashamed to admit it. I am really surprised that despite the fact that I regularly park my cuda in the middle of a busy grocery store parking lot (my job) it's only gotten 1 dent, and that's right on the wheel well lip on the pass side. I don't park way away from people, I get right into the thick of things. It might be because everyone there has seen the car there all the time they assume someone who works there owns it and treat it with respect. I do get quite a few people asking about it when it's there. Since I usually park right in front of the window of my department I can keep an eye on it which means that if a customer that admired the car before coming in goes by me I ask if they liked it. Usually many of the older guys (60+) look surprised that a 21 year old owns the car. :D