need new tool boxes/best bang for the buck

I am a mentor for 2 local high school robotics teams. We belong to FIRST Robotics. It is a very challenging and rewarding experience. These kids are the brightest of the next generation.

Last Thursday evening I was towing the teams’ trailer full of our tools, robots, and all our competition gear, when I got rear ended. After 2 months of the mentors and kids working their butts off (most of us haven't seen our homes in the daylight the whole time), both robots were destroyed. :banghead:

First the good news...we were able to rebuild our robots in 24 hours and be ready for our first match Friday morning (a minor miracle), and even managed to get both teams/robot into the finals.:cheers:

The bad news….all of our tool boxes were damaged badly as well and need to be replaced. My question is this…..what should we buy? These will be used in our lab most of the time, but we travel to several events as well so they will need to be able to hold up to the rigors of travel….loading and unloading in trucks, airline travel, pushing them in and around arenas (the world finals have been held in both the NFL Falcons and Ram stadium). The boxes we had were the red Craftsman ones. They were ok, but I was never overjoyed with the way the drawers slid in and out.

If anyone is interested in the story, there is a video pub the FIRST organization does that covered our ordeal (team 1592, Bionic Tigers and team 801, Horsepower) this weekend…..[ame=""]Episode 2 - Orlando Regional - Friday - YouTube[/ame]