is anyone else totally into HotWheels
I like the auto world 3 gear standard wheelbase bodies as they will snap onto the tomy afx mega g 1.5 wide chassis. And snap onto the original 3 gear aurora afx chassis from the 1970s. I dont care for the auto world chassis the 3 gear or the 4 gear dragster chassis. cheap quality knock offs of the original afx chassis .Call me spoiled, but i have a large collection of restored original aurora afx 3 gear and 4 gear cars and spare chassis, and the auto world chassis dont even compare. I think they are nice to look at as shelf queens, but it takes a lot of effort to really make em run competitively. Some of the auto world xtraction chassis parts i use in my restorations like springs, pickup shoes and motor brushes.
We run em hard on my 4 lane on friday nights. Used to run a 3 gear class, and an afx srt class. The 3 gear chassis were too labor intensive between 10 minute heats, and 15 minute features. We only use the afx srt chassis now because it could take this abuse and need minor tinkering to ready them for the next race.
Auto world bodys are nicely done, we use em when we race, the chassis not so much. But if you are collecting them and dont intend to run them they could be fun to collect.
Just my .02