Don't want to take me with? Too easy...

Warning: Military rant...

So my platoon abandoned me for this current deployment; stuck me on Rear D and gave me a desk to guard from terrorists. I'm not broken (on profile) and am one of the more higher-motivated Soldiers in this entire division (1st Armored = Worst unit in FORSCOM, straight from our Commanding General's mouth)... But because one higher-up didn't like me, they decided I'd be a great candidate for ditching...

Anyways, the whole reason I joined was to be a pilot; the whole reason I enlisted Infantry was that I believed a line of bullshit my recruiter fed me; "You can't sign as a Warrant with a GED; you need a Diploma at least..." What he failed to mention was that if I had waited on signing for another two months, I'd have had enough college credits to sign as a Warrant and go to Flight school. He sold me on the plan of enlisting and then dropping a Warrant packet and going to flight school. Sounds legit, right?

With my luck, I get out of OSUT as a hella motivated Infantryman, ready to kick doors and eat babies...... I get sent to 1st AD, Fort Bliss. All throughout OSUT, the Drill Sergeants, Cadre, and assorted non-subhumans on Sand Hill made sure to let us know that 1st AD is literally the worst unit (and Bliss the worst post) in all of Army history... They were right. I come here, get put in an HHC platoon that taught me how to not give a F-bomb and sham and other assorted shitbaggery... I harped on them day-in, day-out about dropping a Warrant packet so that it would pop by the time I came back from deployment. They always said "yeah, we'll get on that! Yeah yeah yeah, we're working on it!" Then the tone shifted to "not right now, we're gearing up for <insert training event here>," in which two privates sat and guarded a desk while the rest of the unit played videogames in the barracks all damn day...

The time comes for deployment, and our Platoon Sergeant keeps assuring us "Y'all're gunna all deploy with the unit, don't y'all worry 'bout that!" (from Arkansas, had a thick Southern twang).... One week prior to deployment, they select eight of us to stay behind. F'd again, yet another bold-faced LIE from PSgt (We'd learned that anything PSgt promised was going to have an opposite effect)... And that's why I'm on FABO 18 hours a day.... ;)

Now, needless to say, I was left with a bit of a grudge for that specific batch of leadership... And as an ancestor of Vikings:viking:, I assure you...... We do not harbor grudges, we destroy your family! We eat your cattle, raze your crops, rape and kill your women, and sell your sons as slaves........ It takes all of my willpower to not unleash some medieval ownage not seen on earth since about 840CE....... Instead, I done hatched a better idea: DROP MY WARRANT PACKET!!!!

I'm gonna use all this free time to put my own damn warrant packet together and drop it. I'm going 160th SOAR, 7th SF group; I'm gonna fly Littlebirds in Hawaii.... And I'm going to come back here and smoke the plunk out of my ex-platoon mates when they fail to salute me.... :glasses7:

Revenge: It has motivated more greatness than any other cause in history!!! (See also: Megadeth).

- CK